Friday 14 October 2016

Top 5 Causes of Motorcycle Accident that are Greatly Neglected While Driving

Driving to office or supermarket from home is a routine task done by a huge number of people in Texas. Mostly due to rush to reach somewhere early we oversee the speed limits imposed by traffic police and end up hurting ourselves. No matter what vehicle you drive to reach anywhere, following safety rules is important to avoid damaging injuries. Texas has been noted as one of the most accident-prone states according to US Traffic Regulation Statistics.

The cities of Texas witness an ever-escalating number of accidents from cars, trucks, and motorcycle each year. In fact, it has been said that there is not even a single day when Texas has not witnessed an accident in last few years. No matter how critical an accident might be taking help from Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer will definitely a game changing decision. Nevertheless, let’s take a look at top 5 causes leading to fatal motorcycle accidents –

1. High Speed – Driving at an alarmingly high speed is definitely the most prominent cause of motorcycle accident. Due to adrenaline rush or peer pressure, the majority of teenagers end up with fatal accidents each year. Make sure you maintain appropriate speed while driving a motorbike so you can reach home safely. 
2. Dangerous Turns – Highways connecting two cities or major regions of a State mostly have sharp turns which are extremely dangerous for a motorcycle driver. Due to lost control on vehicle and inability to judge upcoming sharp turn lead to major motorcycle crashes. The extremely high speed can add to this deadly combination hence should be avoided at all costs. 
3. Switching of Lanes – Although traffic rules suggest drivers to stick to their own lane while driving but the majority of small vehicle drivers never follows this advice. Rushing from your own lane to another will leave the other driver surprised, bringing up major collision. Make sure you stick to your own lane on the road while driving. 
4. Rear End of Bike – Unlike bigger vehicles, motorcycles are really fragile and unsafe when hit from the back. Clueless or ignorant drivers might not realize the distance between two vehicles and will, therefore, end up hitting the rear end. Pushing the brakes abruptly will also cause this fatal happening, so make sure that you slowly bring down the speed to alert drivers behind. 
5. Overtaking – The thrill of speed can sometimes bring abrupt accidents and overtaking becomes the major cause. Mostly teenagers and young citizens are involved in overtaking cases. The majority of times the overtaking person is clueless about the actual distance between the vehicle and its speed ending up in fatal crashes. Try your best to avoid taking such dangerous decisions as these will cause you even life loss.

Avoid all these causes and consult an expert Ft. Worth motorcycle accident lawyer if you have experienced any kind of injury on the road. The appropriate legal guidance is decisive in getting justice as well as compensation.